Page 2 - Retornados. La repatriación final a Coruña
P. 2

Año XXIV, Número 44, Julio 2024

             Depósito Legal M-34.164-2001
                  ISSN 1695-6214                    Retornados. La repatriación final a Coruña, Vigo y Ferrol (agosto de 1898…


                           The final repatriation was the epilogue to a war in which Spain would be

                    deprived  of  its  last  overseas  possessions:  Cuba,  Puerto  Rico,  and  the
                    Philippines. The capitulation required the urgent evacuation of the islands, in

                    what would become a singular operation of enormous proportions destined to

                    mobilize nearly 150,000 individuals for their return to the homeland. Those in
                    military, civil, and religious institutions, as well as women and children were

                    forced to embark hastily to cross the ocean, traveling under crowded, and on
                    many occasions, dangerous and adverse weather conditions.

                           The  Atlantic  would  become  the  tomb  of  1,346  compatriots,  most  of
                    them  terminally  ill  with  dysentery and  malaria,  who  dreamed  of  returning  to

                    their  land,  reuniting  with  their  families,  and  continuing  with  their  lives.  Their
                    shrouded  bodies  would  be  mourned,  bid  farewell  with  military  honors,  and

                    thrown into the sea.

                           Five  hundred  and  seventy-nine  of  them  were  destined  for one  of  the

                    main coastal cities in the northwest and northern parts of the peninsula.

                           This is their history, and that of the ships that transported them.

                           Palabras Clave

                           Coruña,  Cruz  Roja  española,  Guerrilleros,  Repatriación  final,  Tren-

                    hospital, Vigo


                           Coruña,  Spanish  Red  Cross,  Guerrillas,  Final  repatriation,  Train-

                    hospital, Vigo

                             Historia Digital, XXIV, 44, (2024). ISSN 1695-6214 © José A. Tojo, 2024                  P á g i n a  | 116
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